
If you are in the Greater Philadelphia area – TAKE COVER! We have been battling the hottest first half of the summer ever. While many of us have been thinking of ways to cool off the ‘savvy marketer’ has been thinking about how to maximize shade and indoor (air conditioned) advertising locations that people might be taking shelter in or around.  A few places that have been targeted:

  • Outdoor Signage where many have been taking cover from the sun… bus stops, train stations, subways, airport terminals and more.
  • Indoor Signage in elevators, mall directories, store windows, train cars, buses and more.

On your drive home, take a conscious look around for the endless opportunities for signage to promote your brand and  company. It’s not just about the location of the sign or poster but the message you are sharing. Often the most successful campaigns take into consideration the targeted demographic and hitting a pain point for the individual at that time/location. IE – Addressing the topic of “cooling off” or “staying dry” under a bus stop covering that relates to your business will connect with the individual vs just seeing the advertisement.

For ‘excessive heat resistant’ signs and posters for this summer contact Mike at http://printdrs.com or 215.230.3533